BETA 0.5.752 - Just a few days to go!

Since BETA 447 we changed a lot. Before releasing this new version, there will be a BETA phase of a few days.

We are looking forward to your feedback at



The new Quickhelp feature helps you to find infos about any option in JDownloader. Press ctrl+shift and click on anything you want. This leads you to the corresponding knowledgebase. We will these knowledge links during the next days and weeks.

2009/05/20 14:09

Speed up JDownloader GUI

By default, JDownloader uses a style the might cost a bit CPU and RAM. If you have a very slow machine, you are able to change to a faster style.

First of all

Before changing the style, you should try to disable the advanced animations and the window decoration. Configuration–>Interface –>Performance.

Last help

If this does not help enough, you might switch into performance mode by selecting the first style in your list. We added this style for older computers.

2009/05/20 14:27

Where are the move up/down Buttons?

The move up/down buttons are not useful any more. To sort the download folder you can either use drag & drop or the new priority system.

There will be contextmenu entries in the stable to move packages to top/bottom.

2009/05/20 14:24

Where is the menu?

There is no classic menu any more. All infos can be obtained either by clicking the start button at the top-left, or by using the sidebar.
If you wonder where to find the premiu mmenu you should try to click (right click) on the premium icon in the bottom-left corner.

2009/05/20 14:16

Why is the "Start" Button disabled?

If the Start Button is disabled, you probably still see the new linkgrabber. The new linkgrabber looks like the download view. You first have to add links or packages to the downloadview.
By default, the download starts immediatelly after adding links.

2009/05/21 10:22

Please visit the news entry

2009/05/20 14:30